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If you've been injured in a semi truck accident, don't hesitate to reach out to Front Range Injury Attorneys for a complimentary case evaluation. Our Denver truck accident lawyers are committed to holding responsible parties accountable for your injuries, medical expenses, and other financial losses.

The sheer size and weight of semi trucks make the likelihood of catastrophic injuries very high in a truck collision. Weighing an average of 80,000 pounds, a semi truck can cause life-altering injuries or even fatalities for you and your loved ones. Our team of semi truck accident attorneys in Denver is dedicated to helping clients receive the necessary medical treatment and obtain maximum compensation for their injuries.

Why You Need a Denver Truck Accident Lawyer

Trucking accidents often result in severe injuries and require extensive treatment. Commercial trucking companies and their insurance providers understand the potential financial ramifications and may employ various tactics to minimize their liability. They may deny your claim or undervalue it, hoping to dissuade you from pursuing rightful compensation. By hiring our truck accident lawyers promptly after the collision, you can protect the value of your case and ensure you receive the necessary medical care.

Our truck collision lawyers have experience combating these tactics and advocating for our clients' rights. We work tirelessly to protect the value of your case and secure fair compensation, whether through negotiation or litigation. Contact Front Range Injury Attorneys today for a complimentary consultation with our experienced legal team.

What Compensation Can I Receive in a Colorado Trucking Accident Case?

Our Denver truck accident lawyers are dedicated to helping clients recover maximum compensation for their injuries and expenses. Under Colorado law, you have the right to hold a negligent trucking company accountable for the impact of a collision on your life. This includes both economic and non-economic damages.

Economic damages may include medical expenses, long-term care costs, lost earnings, and other financial burdens resulting from your injuries. Non-economic damages encompass pain and suffering, mental anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, and other intangible losses.

Our team will conduct a thorough investigation of your case to gather evidence of the full extent of your damages. We will then vigorously pursue maximum compensation under Colorado law. Contact Front Range Injury Attorneys for a complimentary case evaluation and learn more about how we can assist you in recovering for your injuries.

How Long Do I Have to Pursue Compensation for My Semi Truck Collision Case?

In Colorado, there is a statute of limitations that dictates the time frame within which you can pursue legal action against a trucking company for an accident caused by one of their drivers. The statute of limitations for motor vehicle collisions is three years from the date of the crash.

It's crucial to be aware of this deadline, as failing to file a lawsuit or reach a settlement within the specified time frame could result in losing your right to pursue compensation. Our Denver truck accident lawyers will carefully assess your case to ensure all deadlines are met. Contact our Denver law firm for a complimentary case evaluation to learn more about how we can assist you.